Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nina Sky Vs Bryan Leach (Polo Grounds Music)

It's been nearly six years since the sister duo known as Nina Sky released their self-titled debut. Where's the follow-up? It's nowhere in sight.

In a series of tweets recently, according to a Rap-Up.com report, the sisters revealed ongoing problems with getting their label, Polo Grounds Music, in regard to the release and support their music.

This week, Nina Sky explained that their album has been ready for months, but say Polo Grounds refuses to put anything into motion.

"Starting a new campaign today... 'Nina Sky Doesn't Play Polo,' " they tweeted (@NinaSky) on Wednesday (March 10). "For months we've had a complete album, ready for release. Y'all wanna know what's really goin' on? Nothing [and] that's the problem.

"We released [two] videos and singles without support from our label. All good... Stayed positive. After months of no movement, we asked to be released [and] still nothing. No acknowledgment from the President of our label, Bryan Leach. Bottom line, we want to be released. If you're really down with our movement, holler [at] Bryan Leach."

According to Rap-Up, the duo signed with Polo Grounds Music in 2006, after an amicable release from Universal Records. Since then, Nina Sky says Leach hasn't held up his end of an agreement they forged when they signed on the dotted line.

"Upon signing, [Bryan said] he wasn't gonna do what Universal did and shelve our [second] album, [Starting Today]," Natalie told the website. "He was gonna get us in the studio, we were gonna complete our album, and we were gonna release it. Now obviously we don't expect that to happen overnight; it takes time and we have to get in with different producers. It took like two years to complete [the album] to the point where we were happy with it. He didn't stay true to his word."

Natalie continued, explaining that they've filmed and released two music videos on their own, without the support of Polo Grounds, but says the label failed to move on the buzz around the two songs. Now they ask: "Why be signed to a label if they're not gonna help you?"

The duo say they met with Leach over three months ago to discuss their situation, but since then, they've been getting the run around.- Allen Starbury

Support the Nina Sky movement & let their label know how YOU feel about how they're handling the release of Nina Sky's sophomore album, 'Starting Today'. Sign the petition by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dean VMNTX "United Abominations" Guitar

My Other New Toy. This is my Drop c guitar.
Dave Mustaine VMNT X United Abominations
Mahogany Top / Body
25.5” Scale
Dave Mustaine Spec. Bolt-on Maple “D-Shaped” Neck
Rosewood Fingerboard
Pearl Dot Inlays
Mini Grover 6 In-Line Tuners
Black Hardware
Tune-O-Matic Bridge
Dean DMT Design Humbucker Pickups- will upgrade to EMG's 81/60

The "Rg4exfm1" from Ibanez

My New Toy! The guitar was made in Indonesia and it has 24 frets. The neck is really thin, perfect for playing, with nice maple wood. It's a solid top, the body is basswood and it has a nice flamed maple top finish in either blue or grey transparent gloss. The RG4EXFM1 is equipped with a Floyd Rose style bridge(Edge III) and with the aid of a locking nut, you can divebomb so much without even getting 1 string slightly out of tune. There is a knob for volume, tone and a 5-way selector. The pickups give a nice tone with 2 humbuckers and a single coil in the middle which gives you many choices for the right tone you need, the bridge pickup is an Ibz Inf4, middle Infs3 and Neck Inf3.
I mostly play rock and metal and it is perfect RG's are always perfect for that genre. I don't have an awesome setup, my amp is a little Spider IV 15 Watt it goes pretty loud and I also have a DigiTech RP90 plugged through my amp so I have more than preset settings. This guitar has the perfect sound, I can hear every little move I make when I go down the fretboard, the middle pickup has a nice clean tone and the neck pickup has great pinch-harmonic response. The finish is also immaculate. I am thinking about upgrading pickups to EMG's but overall for $399.99 This is a pretty nice guitar to add to your arsenal.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Okay (Bonus) - T.Shirt (2007)"

This video is one of my favorites for sure and brings back good memories. Filmed in Brooklyn by Dred of Hot Mop Films.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

T.Shirt - The Loft Sessions EP

Download The Loft Sessions EP - T.Shirt
Press Release:

"It's a bit of a long story but I'll make it quick. This past August I sublet a friend of a friend's loft in Chinatown and recorded an EP of what's been going on in my life. Originally, I reached out to a bunch of different artists, producers, writers, and contacts I'd made over a while to collaborate and turn the release into something bigger than what I could do alone but few hit me back, and even fewer actually came through.

The project is my first of original material. I wrote the album in 2 weeks to a library of beats I've had for some time. I spent 5 days recording 7 tracks. I recorded the intro "Fuck the Summertime" on the morning I had to be out of the loft, September 1st. I felt like I needed one more record so I started flipping through the beats and when I found one, for the first time in my life I stood in front of the mic and free-styled in spurts, writing the whole record live in 15 minutes.

I spent most nights alone, mixing records, sitting at the big windows watching, breathing Chinatown. I'm at a funny point in my life and I poured it all into the music. My friend Ryan came by a couple days and we shot all the artwork, which I'm very excited about. He took great, very introspective shots that really show you what kind of place I was in. There's a line on one of my favorite records on the album, "I'm exploring, eyes wide, walking through the halls, this man's got his whole life right here on the walls". And it's true. The combination of having such a black summer, losing family, our icons, going crazy trying to work and grind for these invisible means, and being in this much older man's home, this accomplished artist's Chinatown loft for 25 years was a lot to take in. It really put me in a different kind of creative space.

If everything goes according to plan I'm releasing it digitally for free on my www.illrapper.com this coming TUESDAY, September 29th. I also plan to submit it to iTunes & Amazon for an official November Release. My only hope is that the blogs pick it up, people get wind, there's some kind of demand for it and word gets around that it's good music and deserves a listen. That's seriously my only hope. If you have some kind of avenue, a site, if you have any ideas on how to get this thing out there, please, I'm open to any kind of help.

Talk to me, hit me back. Say something, anything, lemme know you got this. Peace for now !"- T.Shirt


Thursday, September 24, 2009

DJ Roc Raida dies after complications stemming from MMA accident

The music world is in mourning after it was announced by hip hop artist Busta Rhymes that his personal DJ, Roc Raida, is dead aged 37.

Raida, an avid mixed martial arts devotee, had injured his back while training at a gym, and had received back surgery twice in the time since to correct the injury.

He was recovering from the surgery when complications saw his health take a turn for the worst, and he died Saturday Sept. 19. at 2:05 p.m.

Born Anthony Williams, Raid won the 1995 DMC World DJ Championship, earning a spot in the DMC Hall of Fame four years later. The turntable spinner worked with some of the biggest names in music, including Ghostface Killah, Jungle Brothers, Busta Rhymes, Big L and Linkin Park.

He had released six solo albums and seven more with his group, the X-Ecutioners.

Williams had trained in mixed martial arts for several years. He was recovering at an "inpatient physical therapy facility" at the time of his death, according to a statement from his family.

"Family and friends will miss him dearly. Please give the family their privacy," the statement continued.

Busta Rhymes said on his Twitter stream, "I never met a more humble man in the industry...So unbelievably talented and most importantly such beautiful spirit...I LOVE U MY BROTHER..." before talking about how "We r loosing all of these great people this year as a result of God calling his army because something is about 2 go down!!"

"To me, he was the best DJ on the planet--nobody can tell me different," his friend Lord Finesse told StreetHop.com. "Until they do what Roc Raida has done, from body tricks to beat juggling to speed scratching. I mean, everything ... he made that shit look easy."

A post on Williams' MySpace page had previously warned fans that "rumors and chatter are not accurate." His family called the death "unexpected."

Williams is survived by his wife and three daughters. R.I.P Brutha!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rescue Ink

Finally something worth taking a glance at. These guys are actually doing something about the problem, not just talking tht talk but walking the walk. Nuff respect!

RESCUE INK is a rescue group unlike any you’ve seen before: a bunch of tattooed, motorcycle-riding tough guys who have joined together to fight animal cruelty, educate abusers and help resolve situations other rescue groups can’t – or won’t – handle themselves.

Some of the guys grew up in the projects, some had their brushes with the law, some used their smarts to survive, even thrive on the streets. But that was then, this is now, and today they all share a common goal: Using every means within the thin boundaries of the law, they persuade and educate abusers about the right way to treat animals.

Like many of the animals they save, the members of Rescue Ink know what it’s like to be given a second chance in life. And they’re using theirs to help the animals, no matter what it takes.

What makes them so effective? Take a look. Would you mess with these guys?




Tuesday, September 22, 2009